- Dog's breakfast
- • Dog's breakfast [dinner] Беспорядок. Неразбериха
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Dog's Breakfast — Not to be confused with A Dog s Breakfast. Dog s Breakfast EP by Sick Puppies Released 1999 (CD) Genre Hard rock … Wikipedia
dog's breakfast — noun a poor job; a mess they made a real dog s breakfast of that job • Syn: ↑dog s dinner • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of … Useful english dictionary
dog's breakfast — To describe something as a dog s breakfast means that it is a complete mess. The new secretary made a dog s breakfast out of the filing system … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
dog's breakfast — n a mess, a confused mixture. From the image of a mishmash of unappetising scraps. The expression (compare the roughly contemporaneous dog s dinner) is commonly applied to a misconceived or botched plan or display. The phrase dates from the 1930s … Contemporary slang
dog's breakfast — Noun. A mess. E.g. I ve made a bit of a dog s breakfast of that essay, and will probably have to rewrite it. Cf. dog s dinner … English slang and colloquialisms
dog's breakfast — See a dog s breakfast … English idioms
dog's breakfast — n. chiefly brit. a confused, disorganized mess; hodgepodge Naive buyers and fraudulent lenders turned the housing market into a dog s breakfast[/ex] • Etymology: [1935 40] … From formal English to slang
dog's breakfast — noun An unappealing mixture; a disorderly situation; a mess. So complex was the scheme that neither blacks nor whites could say for certain who had won. A dogs breakfast, cried Laborite M.P. James Callaghan. I say frankly that I do not begin to… … Wiktionary
dog's breakfast — /dɒgz ˈbrɛkfəst/ (say dogz brekfuhst) noun Colloquial a mess; a confused state of affairs. Also, dog s dinner …
dog's breakfast — noun Date: circa 1934 chiefly British a confused mess or mixture … New Collegiate Dictionary
dog's breakfast — Chiefly Canadian Slang. a disorderly mixture; hodgepodge. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium